Youth Ministries
The Youth Department of the church works for and through the youth.The primary focus of youth ministry is the salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. This department fosters youth ministry, lead youth to understand their individual worth and to discover and develop their spiritual gifts and abilities and equip and empower them for a life of service to the community.
Ressources: 2012/2013 Reading Course List Youth Ministry 2012/2013 Theme 2013 Impact South Africa Updates

Adventurer Club:
The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored ministry open to all families of children in grades 1-4 or ages 6-9 who agree to keep the Adventurer Pledge and Law.
Pathfinder Club:
The Pathfinder Club provides a specialized program needed for junior youth ages 10-15. They accept to be guides by the Pathfinder Pledge and Law and learn many different skills.
Master Guide:
The Master Guide (MG) class is the top level of class achievement. It is the "Ph.D." of Youth Ministry in the field. You cannot earn your Master Guide, without taking at least one BST (Basic Staff Training) course. You must be a baptised member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and age 16 or over.
The Master Guide is the expert, the advisor, the promoter, for Adventurers, Pathfinders, Ambassadors, Youth Emergency Service Corp and Youth. As such, MG is NOT a Pathfinder Program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program.
Adventist Youth:
The Adventist Youth Society is the action and fellowship organization for senior youth (+16) in the local church.